


Delphiniums are a gorgeous early to mid summer bloomer and impress with their amazing colour and large height! These plants make a beautiful backdrop to any garden and bring bees and other pollinators in. My seeds come from a mix of blue shades as these flowers are known to cross pollinate with each other creating new colours and varieties yearly.

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Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out or simply direct sow in early spring, when a light frost is still possible, or early autumn. Seeds take 14-28 days to sprout. If starting indoors, vernalize seeds by planting them in trays in sterilized seed starting mix. Place these inside plastic bags and refrigerate for 2 weeks. Then place them in total darkness and maintain a soil temperature of 10-12°C (50-55°) until sprouted. Once sprouts appear, place below bright light. Space or thin to 30-45cm (12-18″) between plants.

For the most bloom potential, water well throughout the season, and feed once in the early spring. Remove spent flowers immediately after the first bloom, and feed again. When new growth reaches about 20cm (8″) tall, cut back old growth completely. These seeds can be planted in the fall for spring growth. Just choose the location and sprinkle your seeds on top of the soil. Cover with soil and you should see them sprouting in the early spring. If you choose to start them indoors the seeds need to go through a period of cold (called stratification). To do this, place seeds in the fridge for 3 months. After this period is over, you can remove the seeds from the fridge and plant as normal. This tricks the seeds into thinking they have had a winter. Each package has approximately 40 seeds.

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